Monday, November 24, 2014

d-TGA, contractions and sewing

Dextro-Transposition of the Great Arteries. It's an effort to recall all of that when telling people our story. More often than not I have to turn to Jeremy to say it. Maybe I'm just resistant to saying it. Maybe big words be hard. I don't know but I don't feel like struggling with words when I'm already struggling to keep it together.

Last night in Joann's we got a call that 3 of the four boys are sick. Nathan has a sore throat and cough, Noah has fever and one of his ear aches, Henry has his croupy cough. Not sure what to tell her to do as taking four little boys to a clinic is sure to get Freddie sick and be exhausting for her. Hoping they feel better on their own very soon.

Last night after we got home and talked to the boys, seeing how they felt, I started having contractions. They started about 10 minutes apart, went to 8, down to 4 minutes apart a couple of times. Probably the most painful ones I've had. They lasted several hours but I fell asleep finally and they settled down. This morning my abdomen is really sore like I've been doing crunches. Baby is moving ok but it was a really rough night. Just wasn't sure whether to load everything up for an hour drive to the hospital. Jeremy was so sleepy.

Today I am just going to do next to nothing. Might cut out parts for Madison's birthday skirt and finish some little blankets for the bassinet. Probably would feel better to go out but pretty sure that would stir things up even more. Went to Katy Church of Christ yesterday and ate lunch with them in their visitors lunch. That's enough gadding about for me.

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